Vinotour is the first international Nordic Walking trail that leads through the vineyards, across the farmyards of Slovene and Austrian wine producers. Vinotour was developed in 2012 in cooperation between the Municipality Ratsch (today Ehrenhausen a.d.W) and Tourism association in Svečina. Today Vinotour trails lead us through more than 100 farms on more than 80 km marked trails. What is special about these Nordic walking trails is that we can enter wherever we feel like and adapt the length to our needs. Twice a year, in April (Ratsch an der Weinstraße) and in September (Svečina) there are guided walks organized on several distances. There are also other walking events organized during the year that became very popular and nowadays traditional events (Three kings, Valentine’s walk, Youth walk, Jacob’s walk, Moonwalk, Torch walk to quarry Pruh, “Hallowine” - witch walk...). All the trails are marked with yellow and white round marking and black boards in the shape of a bottle with suitable colour sticker, depending on which trail it stands (for expl. Red, orange, blue, green, yellow).